Which crypto currencies do you accept?
We accept payments by Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Monero (XMR), Ripple (XRP), Stellar (STR), Maidsafe (MAID) Digibyte (DGB), Dash, Storj, Xem (NEM), Zec (Zcash), Etherium (ETH), Etherium Classic (ETC)

Why Should I choose crypto payment?
Crypto payments are most secure way to pay for your order. It is fast and secure. Non trackable.

How long does it take to send crypto payment?
It generally takes around 1 hour to get payment by us and approved. We process your payment first and arrange your shipping.

Will I have any discount if I pay by crypto payment?
Yes. We fund your account 10% of order total as store credit. You can use the credit at your next order.
There won't be any minimum order limit to use your credits.

What is your wallet addresses? Where can I find your selected wallet address?
We do not use fixed wallet addresses because of security. We generate new wallet address for choosen currency and share with you. By this way, this makes your transaction more secure. After you placed your order, you can use Request Payment Form to get generated wallet address for your order.

When should I send payment after getting your wallet address?
We generate wallet address for one transaction and we do not use same wallet address again. So you should be ready to send payment before you get our wallet address and send as soon as possible.

What should I do after I send my payment?
You can email us payment details to [email protected] or Submit your payment via Submit Crypto Payment Form

Should I do something to get my credit?
No. We fund your 10% credit after we ship your order.

Is there a minimum order limit to use my credit?
No. There is no minimum order limit to use your credit. You can use your it at any amount you want.

Do you accept another Altcoin which is not listed in here?
Please contact us for the altcoin which you want to pay by. We will assist you.